Welcome to MyActNow – a project that puts the power to campaign in your hands. MyActNow was started by Act Now - People Powered Change, as part of our mission to bring participation back into our democracy.
We know from experience that there are thousands of people living in the North with amazing ideas to change our communities for the better, and this platform gives you access to the tools, technology, guidance and support to take a campaign from an idea to victory. Here's what you need to know.
- We allow anyone to use this platform to campaign for change as long as it fits with our core values. Our website is available for your personal and non-commercial use only and we don't allow political parties to use the platform to campaign or election candidates for the purposes of getting elected. That means we may see a campaign on here that doesn't fit with our values, or if we see anything inappropriate (ie: hate speech bullying, discriminatory, defamatory or illegal), we'll take it down.
When the staff team do spot a great campaign that's particularly timely, strategic or doing well, they'll get in touch with you to talk about it and see how they can help. - Not every campaign gets equal billing space. We have a shoe string budget and overworked staff and will invest more in campaigns that we think are going to make a big impact or are close to winning. We've all been there and feel your pain when an issue you care about just isn't getting the response you'd like, so staff and fellow community members will try to help if we think there are things you can tweak, to make a bigger impact but bear in mind…
- Size isn't everything. Not every campaign needs tens of thousands of signatures on a petition to be effective. The more local your issue, the harder it will be to ignore even a relatively small number of people speaking out. And local campaigns can be some of the most rewarding, so whatever the size of your challenge, don't be afraid to go for it!
- We believe in women's, BAME and LGBTQ+ rights and won't stand for racist, sexist or homophobic campaigns in our building.We also believe in climate change. If you'd like to debate the science behind it that's fine, the internet is a big place and you can easily do it somewhere else.
- We each take responsibility for our campaign and for treating each other as we'd want to be treated. Anyone who abuses this community through nasty comments, will be asked to leave. Anyone who expects someone else to do their ground work for them will be disappointed.
- We've been invited in on the ground of something brand new, and it's up to us to create and nurture a culture of enthusiasm, support, respect and patience. There are lots of places on the internet where people like to tear each other down; this isn't one of them.
- If you have a great idea for improving the site or spot something that needs fixing, tell the staff and be patient. New features will be coming online as the site evolves, but our tiny team of staff and volunteers definitely appreciate not being badgered.
- You can campaign on pretty much anything, anywhere. While MyActNow has been created in Northern Ireland, you may wish to start a campaign with an international focus, say to a global company, that goes beyond our borders. That's great. Whether you want to fix a pothole on your street or take on a multinational corporation, don't be afraid to go for it. More power to you!