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To: Liz Kimmins MLA Minister of the Department for Infrastructure

Remove Warrenpoint Harbour Authority Board

We, as members of the Warrenpoint community and as Carlingford Lough stakeholders  urge our new Department for Infrastructure Minister, Liz Kimmins MLA, to ask all Warrenpoint Harbour Authority (WHA) Board members to stand down until WHA has clarified attempts to potentially mislead the public in regard to an alleged review by HSENI into the as yet unclarified chemicals used by Re-Gen Waste in Warrenpoint Port for the past number of years.  

Why is this important?

Trust and confidence in leadership is essential for the reassurance of any community and many constituents have been looking forward in general terms to the new Minister’s  delivery on the Sinn Fein 2024 election manifesto, “Strong Leadership, Positive Change”. 

In the Warrenpoint area, residents and businesses look forward specifically to leadership towards a solution within an area of Infrastructure responsibility to the waste stench and odour nuisance which dates back to a Council abatement notice going back almost ten years to  2015.

Positive change would be greatly welcomed here. Recent confusion around the chemicals used by Re-Gen Waste in what appears to be a losing battle in negating the impact of their organic waste stench in Warrenpoint Port has led to claims and counter-claims by WHA and Re-Gen Waste as to which chemicals have been used. Their lack of agreement has resulted in the withdrawal of an Environmental Audit from the WHA website at the end of October and, in the three and a half months since then, no clarification has been forthcoming from the two bodies forming crucial cogs in the infrastructure of the NI Waste Industry. 

That confusion has been escalated by WHA claims that HSENI had made a specific review into those chemicals, a position which has been categorically undermined by HSENI.

Stakeholders can have no confidence and no trust in the running of the Trust Port in Warrenpoint by the  Warrenpoint Harbour Authority Board until WHA has replaced their withdrawn Environmental Audit on their website and also fully explained the answers received by a Warrenpoint resident from HSENI as follows :  

Can you please provide me the following:

1. Copies of all emails relating to the statement made by Mr Holmes especially the email of how you informed Mr Holmes of the results of the “specific review” on the Chemicals used by Re-Gen.

2. Copies of any evidence that you hold that supports the claim Mr Holmes has made relating to your organisation.

A search has been carried out on HSENI’s electronic and paper records based on the parameters of your request.
I can confirm that HSENI holds no information in relation to your request.

In response to question 1, requesting copies of all emails relating to the statement made by Mr Holmes especially the email of how you informed Mr Holmes of the results of the specific review on the Chemical's used by Re-Gen.
I can confirm that HSENI holds no information in relation to this question.

In response to question 2, requesting copies of any evidence that you hold that supports the claim Mr Holmes has made relating to your organisation.
I can confirm that HSENI holds no information in relation to this question.

In response to question 3, requesting copies of the information where Mr Holmes states that you have informed WHA not to modify any of its practices.
I can confirm that HSENI holds no information in relation to this question.

How it will be delivered

In person ....

Warrenpoint, Newry BT34 3JR, UK

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2025-02-18 21:23:20 UTC

10 signatures reached