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To: Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Andrew Muir

Save Our Town, Shut Re-Gen Waste Down!

Get Re-Gen Waste out of Warrenpoint Harbour Authority 

Why is this important?

We urge the  Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Mr Andrew Muir to listen to the fears and concerns of the community of Warrenpoint / Carlingford Lough, to call for Re Gen Waste to be removed from Warrenpoint Harbour Authority and to have their licence revoked due to the foul smell/flies / loud noise to a harbour so close to homes and business in the town. We ask the Minister to move this Waste to an unpopulated site and to another harbour that has the capacity and infrastructure and away from populated areas.
We as the community of Warrenpoint / Carlingford Lough are asking the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Andrew Muir to Get Re -Gen Waste out of Warrenpoint. We do not need political point-scoring from other parties getting in the way of the community with this petition. Mr Muir is a new minister, other parties have had their own ministers over time also, so no point-scoring to take here as have had time to help us stop this. we as the community take this petition forward to the minister.

1. Health and Wellbeing of the public/workers
The storage of large quantities of rotting waste in a mismanaged waste operation in Warrenpoint Port which has been documented as “non-compliant” on multiple occasions by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) ) has given rise to infestations of flies and a stench which has been described as “vile”, “nauseating”, “evil” “foul” and “sickening” by residents, port workers,  business owners, Independent Councillors, MLA’s and the MP for South Down.

2. A legacy of waste controversy and safety risks.
Stories of the 2023 and 2024 stench follow on from a toxic waste controversy involving the same waste company (Re-Gen Waste Ltd) dating back to 2017 and the combined evidence has been reported extensively on print, broadcast (BBC and ITV), and social media.
A waste fire in the Port and, in the past month alone,  two truck fires on motorways, all involving Re-Gen Waste Ltd) have led to growing concerns regarding safety management or lack thereof.

3. Invasion of public spaces and other negative impacts

All of the above points have raised concerns around toxic invasion of open spaces and the negative economic impact on local festivals and tourism.

As a result of the proximity of the mountains of waste storage bales to residences, the well-documented scourges of flies and bluebottles combined with the disgusting stench have forced residents off the streets and out of their gardens to take refuge indoors, often with windows now specially fitted with fly screens.

Outdoor spaces have been invaded and concerns have been raised about the devaluing of property as a result of the public nuisance plague which is particularly harmful to people with long-term health issues.

4. Environmental damage
The other serious concern is damage to the environment caused by leaking bales in close proximity to the protected shores and waters of Carlingford Lough. Again, NIEA officials have noted the leaks and, in September 2023, have shared their concerns in a letter to the local MLA stating that “these non-compliances are a concern to the NIEA and we are focused on ensuring that Regen addresses the odor as quickly as possible.”

5. The Remedy
With the stench now prevailing for more than a year since Warrenpoint Port executives first acknowledged that it was out of control, it is now abundantly clear that despite the spraying of vast quantities of deodorants over the festering waste bales and the best efforts of Re-Gen Waste Ltd,  NIEA and Warrenpoint Port, the only solution is to remove the mismanaged operation out of Warrenpoint to an appropriate site with the facilities and required level of competence to keep the odours away from residential areas. 

This move would also negate the unsustainable transport aspects which include carrying waste by road from Belfast, south to Newry and then Warrenpoint for storage close to a residential area before being exported by sea, back northwards again, past Belfast towards Scandinavian countries. 

This solution was agreed by residents and the three political parties who attended the recent Hustings in Warrenpoint and we feel that to delay in delivering this solution any longer  is to cause unnecessary suffering and expense to a community and environment that has already suffered more than enough.

The Docks, Newry, Northern Ireland BT34 3JR, GB

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2024-11-28 08:55:13 UTC


As a new dawn arises over Warrenpoint /Carlingford Lough, we the community await the outcome of today's South Down MP /MLA Constituency meeting to discuss the waste management operations at Warrenpoint Port with Minister for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Andrew Muir MLA at Clare House in Belfast today Thursday, November 28th, from 4-5pm.

2024-11-26 20:38:05 UTC


2024-11-21 23:47:55 UTC

2024-11-19 07:56:21 UTC

Video from Sunday 10th November 2024
Once again a video captures the careless actions taken by Re-Gen Waste with their stinking black bin rubbish bales storage at Warrenpoint Port where you can clearly see a substance coming from the stinking rubbish bales that will run off into Carlingford Lough

2024-10-31 12:31:16 UTC

500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

2024-10-31 12:31:00 UTC

50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

2024-10-31 12:30:58 UTC

10 signatures reached