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To: NI Water and Mid & East Antrim Borough Council

Share the Shore in Greenisland

Open the gate at Jointure Bay in Greenisland and allow residents and visitors to access our beautiful shore.

Why is this important?

The shore of Belfast Lough is special - lovely walks at low tide, seals, birds, the beach. It's a perfect place for people to enjoy, and to improve their physical and mental health, and appreciate our natural environment. Yet it's closed off. Access denied! NIWater and MEABC have the power to change that. So simply open the gate, and #ShareTheShore!
, Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland BT38 8GL, GB

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2025-01-17 20:40:58 UTC

50 signatures reached

2025-01-16 21:28:54 UTC

25 signatures reached

2025-01-13 22:20:31 UTC

10 signatures reached