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Tell Libraries NI, Keep Stocking LGBTQ+-positive Books!Books and other media with LGBTQ+ themes are extremely important for young people who may be struggling to understand their own identity, as it gives them role models to look up to and allows them an opportunity to see people like them in the stories they enjoy! Book bans, like the one being pushed by prominent Unionist politicians including MP Carla Lockhart are also incredibly discriminatory and hypocritical [1] - representation of non- heterosexual relationships should no more be banned from Libraries than heterosexual/cis gender relationships. A child will not become gay or be "transed" by reading a book with a gay or trans character included. We must not allow bigoted bad actors to import American culture war nonsense to Northern Ireland. [1] https://www.newsletter.co.uk/education/dup-mp-carla-lockhart-calls-for-the-immediate-re[…]ildrens-books-from-northern-irish-public-libraries-45624858 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Noah Shively-Blinn
No Amnesty for Conflict Killings in Northern IrelandThe plans to introduce a statute of limitations on killings in the conflict in Northern Ireland, ending investigations, inquests, and civil actions are in flagrant breach of the European Convention on Human Rights, and the rule of law. They show contempt towards thousands of families here who will never receive the truth of what happened to their loved ones. Families of those who died whether at the hands of paramilitaries, the Army or police, deserve truth and justice.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nicola Browne
Andrew Muir: Clean up the illegal dump at MobuoyMobuoy dump is beside the River Faughan, which supplies 60% of Derry's drinking water. Experts say the Mobuoy site may contain 1.6m tonnes of waste. If the dump is not properly cleaned up soon, then the river could be contaminated, making our water undrinkable. Even though the site closed in 2013, people are still illegally dumping at the site! The minister responsible for waste in NI, Andrew Muir has yet to come up with a recovery plan for the site. The only suggestion his department has provided is to give local residents bottled water if the river becomes impacted. It is time for the Minister to get a grip of the situation: secure the site, clean up Mobouy and ensure clean and safe drinking water for the people of Derry.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roan Ellis-O'Neill
#BringChangeThere is a great deal of concern from parents, teachers, principals and elected members of the Northern Ireland Assembly about the current private system of transfer tests and particularly during this pandemic year.61 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Naomi McBurney
Accept Electoral ID For Passport ApplicationsCurrently the passport office doesn’t accept these ID cards, that are issued by the electoral office. Often times these are the only photo ID people will have - and currently the only one that is free.107 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Caoimhín McCann
Tell Biden: Stand up to IsraelIn the past week, graphic videos and images of the violence engulfing Israel and Palestine have circulated around the world, capturing international attention as the threat of increased military action looms. The violence has already led to over 200 deaths, the vast majority of whom are Palestinians, and include children. This oppressive regime has complete control over Palestinians -- from access to land, water, aid, and even movement. The Israeli government's brutal occupation and policies have resulted in this ongoing crisis. President Biden must take action to immediately de-escalate the situation, broker a ceasefire, and call on the Israeli government to put an immediate stop to the forced evictions and displacement of Palestinian families.40 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nicola Browne
Abolish Good Character references in rape trialsTo ensure Victims and survivors of sexual trauma are protected during the Court process, also to dispell prevelant rape myths throughout our society that good character means someone is not capable of rape, or that they should be treated with leniency.1,577 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Rape Crisis Northern Ireland