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Abolish Good Character references in rape trialsTo ensure Victims and survivors of sexual trauma are protected during the Court process, also to dispell prevelant rape myths throughout our society that good character means someone is not capable of rape, or that they should be treated with leniency.1,579 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Rape Crisis Northern Ireland
Cruelty to our fellow animalsThis issue is important because it reflects badly on society If people torture animals it is almost inevitable they will do the same to humans many studies have shown this to be the case1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Denice Corbett
Inquiry into care home deaths in Northern Ireland"If these deaths had happened in a children's home I think there would have been an investigation a long time ago, but because it's the elderly it just seems to be pushed to the side" Hundreds of care home residents died across Northern Ireland during the first wave of the pandemic. Each of them was valuable, and are grieved by their loved ones. The Department for Health's report in 2020 did not accept there was a link between these deaths and the discharge of patients from hospitals without Covid testing.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nicola Browne
Give lough back to the peopleBecause it was stolen from the lrish people1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eugene Patrick Greene
Save Magherally, stop the quarry expansion.Homes, heritage and health is at risk in Magherally and the surrounding Banbridge area. If the quarry is allowed to expand local wildlife’s habitat will be destroyed and local residents will have their right to peaceful enjoyment of their homes striped from them. Once the beautiful countryside in Magherally is gone, we can never get it back. Respiratory problems could worsen, silica dust is carcinogenic and could lead to increased health concerns. Noise and dust pollution will increase. Badgers, bats, foxes, yellowhammers and Irish hares will be out at risk. No amount of economical gain is worth putting lives, wildlife and heritage at risk.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Caroline Hamilton-Barrett