• Statement of Solidarity to #BlackLivesMatter
    Black people around the world have been subject to colonial rule, the atrocities of the transatlantic slave trade, and the effects of white supremacy culture. Capitalism and the immense wealth of the global north was built on stolen labor, ongoing colonisation and violent dispossession at the hand of white supremacy against people of African descent and Indigenous peoples. The condition of Black and Indigenous people and throughout the world today must be placed in its proper historical context. The recent grassroots uprisings across the globe are powerful and demonstrate how fed up Black communities are with systemic oppression and racism. These protests demand not just an end to Black suffering and death but a commitment to help Black people live and thrive, to shift from a world centered on white supremacy and violence to one grounded in equity and justice. This moment demands that each of us—especially those of us who are not Black or Indigenous—act with great urgency in defense of Black lives, to support the work of ending police brutality and white supremacy, and to bring forth a world in which Black people are truly free and liberated. While the Black experience and fight for justice around the world are as varied and diverse as Black people themselves, we stand in solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives and call on elected leaders around the globe to end the war against Black people.
    335 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • Tell Big Tech to turn off the Hate
    Social media giants are making huge profits from fuelling hate on their platforms, which all contributed to the division and destruction we saw on the streets. 240 groups and organisations across the UK and Ireland are demanding our political leaders act to make companies like Facebook and Twitter shut off the recommender system. This would stop extreme content spreading like wildfire across social media, and seriously hinder extremists ability to quickly whip up the disinformation that fed into last weeks’ violence.
    633 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • John O'Dowd: Invest in Cycling Infrastructure
    John O'Dowd has committed millions of pounds for building new roads, but has so far not committed anything to active travel infrastructure. As the Minister for Infrastructure, he is legally required as a result of the Climate Act NI 2022 to invest a minimum of 10% of overall transport budgets on active travel. 
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roan Ellis-O'Neill
  • Stop Hospital Parking Charges
    Last year, NHS workers and patients won a huge victory by campaigning for the NI Assembly to pass legislation to remove all hospital parking charges for all staff, patients and visitors. Devolved governments in Scotland and Wales were able to remove charges - why can't we?
    656 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Roan Ellis-O'Neill
  • Support the Integrated Education Bill
    Only 7.5% of schools here are integrated schools - bringing together children from all backgrounds - Catholic, Protestant and other. All integrated schools here have been fought for and demanded by parents. But this bill could really change things. It would ensure that every new school opened in Northern Ireland from now on is integrated. And it would strengthen the Department for Education's legal duty, requiring the Minister to be held to account for their performance in promoting integrated education. But some parties want to water the bill down. If we flood the consultation with responses, we can make sure that doesn't happen. Photo: Belfast Live
    660 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Adam McGibbon
  • Doug Beattie - keep your promises on Integrated Education
    Right now, the Integrated Education Bill is going through the NI Assembly - but those opposed to integrated education are misleading schools and parents, telling them the Bill will harm existing schools - it won't. The Bill can pass if enough parties support it - and what the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) do will be crucial. Last month, Doug Beattie, the UUP Leader, signalled his support for integrated education and said "Northern Ireland has been blighted by division.. and yet we don't take the brave steps to try and deal with that division...we need to end educational apartheid which is taking place here in Northern Ireland." We need Doug and his MLAs to support the Integrated Education Bill, and resist attempts by the Bill's opponents to sign a "Petition of Concern" - an Assembly motion that would doom the Bill. Write now and tell Doug how you feel!
    587 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Adam McGibbon
  • Pay the Nurses Strike Pay!
    At the end of last year, nurses went on strike for the first time ever for fair pay and adequate staffing for the NHS. It has been confirmed that funding was secured to reinstate their strike pay, but it has not been paid out. Nurses are at the backbone of our NHS, and at the heart of the Covid19 response. They can no longer be at the back of the queue when it comes to pay.
    287 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Signe Browne
  • Regulate the display of flags in Northern Ireland
    Every summer, flags go up on lampposts across Northern Ireland. They hang around for months becoming an eyesore, and many glorify illegal paramilitary groups. This year we've seen an increase in flags in shared areas like the Westlink motorway, at supermarkets and outside the PSNI training centre at Garnerville. No one takes responsibility to take them down. The flying of flags needs to be clearly legislated for so the issue can be tackled once and for all.
    709 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • Tell Poots to stop the badger Cull
    Badgers are not the cause of TB in cattle, and 8 out of 10 badgers here are healthy Badgers are a valued native species, protected by law under the Wildlife NI Order 1985 and the Bern Convention. According to Ulster Wildlife, twenty-five per cent of the European population is found in the UK, so we have an international responsibility to conserve and protect them. Vaccination should be used as a way to control bovine TB in the badger population. The most comprehensive scientific study of the effect of badger culling on levels of bovine TB in badgers and cattle in the world took place 1998 - 2006 and concluded ‘badger culling can make no meaningful contribution to cattle TB control in Britain’.
    468 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • Liz Truss: Increase the £100 payment for oil heating
    Around 66% of us in Northern Ireland use oil heating compared to 4% in the rest of the UK. But Liz Truss's government is allocating only a measly £100 to those of us who use oil heating. It won't even touch the sides. She’s saying that gas prices have increased more dramatically than oil. But the price of oil is over one and a half times what it was last year, and this is literally a drop in the ocean of what is needed to prevent people not being able to heat their homes this winter.
    542 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • OPEN LETTER: We support the public sector strike in NI
    We, the public, patients, parents, carers and workers are standing up to support our underfunded public services and underpaid public servants. While the Secretary of State uses your pay award as political football, we support your action for better pay and services - because we all depend on them.
    470 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Roan Ellis-O'Neill
  • Department of Education: Create a REAL Action Plan for Integrated Education
    In 2023, 25 years after the Good Friday Agreement, only 8% of NI kids go to integrated schools despite huge demand. Right now, the Department of Education has a public consultation on their 'Action Plan' and anyone can comment. Tell the Department of Education - we want a REAL Action Plan for integrated education.
    533 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Adam McGibbon