• New building urgently required for Holy Family Primary School!
    Holy Family is a vital cornerstone of the community, playing a central role in the lives of local families.  The current conditions jeopardise both the children's health and ability to learn. Without urgent attention, these issues will only worsen, further compromising the wellbeing of the pupils and staff. 
    375 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Clare Loye
  • OPEN LETTER on Gaza: A message from Northern Ireland
    All human life is precious. No matter where we come from, we all deserve to live free from violence and to put our children to bed, knowing that they will wake up safely. The world has been horrified by the loss of life that has taken place in Israel and Palestine over the last week. Benjamin Netanyahu and his far-right government have launched a vicious, all-out attack on civilians trapped inside Gaza and is planning on bombing the people there, nearly half of whom are children, to extinction. The killing of so many innocent people by Hamas sent shockwaves throughout the world and we grieve for all the lives unjustly lost. But here more than anywhere, we know that this response will lead only to more death, loss and horror. At times like this, we must hold fast to our humanity. We in Northern Ireland know all too well the devastating impact of cycles of violence, and how they reverberate across generations. We call on you to do all you can to stop the war and the slaughter of innocent civilians in this conflict. A future of peace and safety, grounded in justice, freedom and equality for all, is the only option.
    809 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • End the DUP's boycott and get Stormont up and running
    We know that nearly 50% of households in NI are living in fuel poverty and the situation only looks likely to get worse. Choosing between heating and eating is very much a reality for around 100,000 homes in Northern Ireland. High energy prices, inflationary pressures and the cost of living crisis are squeezing households budgets like never before. We need the NI Executive up and running urgently to ease the pressure facing businesses, households and our NHS. Let the DUP know that it is time to end the boycott.
    740 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Miller
  • End Kingspan sponsorship of Ulster Rugby
    Kingspan, an Irish company based in Cavan, manufactured Grenfell Tower’s combustible insulation. During the Grenfell Inquiry into the tower block fire which killed 72 people in 2017, a former executive said that the firm was involved in a “deliberate and calculated deceit”, which involved marketing the product without solid test evidence. The inquiry has also heard that Kingspan rigged tests and hired lobbyists after the disaster to try to persuade MPs that rival non-combustible products might be no less dangerous. Ulster Rugby should play no part in whitewashing Kingspan's image and must terminate it's sponsorship relationship and rename the stadium. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/nov/30/kingspan-manager-belligerent-over-fire-concerns-in-2008-grenfell-inquiry-hears
    589 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • Let Northern Ireland shelter people fleeing from Ukraine
    Asylum policy is a reserved matter decided by Westminster that lies outwith the Northern Ireland devolved government. Westminster's response to the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine has been shameful. We the undersigned from Northern Ireland call on Boris Johnson to put in place a visa waiver scheme for Ukrainian people seeking shelter from the war and on the Northern Ireland Executive to put in place a scheme to facilitate the resettlement of refugees in Northern Ireland.
    674 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • Monitor Mental Health Provision in Schools
    If mental health promotion was given a more central and compulsory role in the curriculum the wellbeing of the young people would improve. The communities we work in are some of the most deprived areas in the UK. The suicide rate is around 70% higher in deprived areas than non-deprived areas, and rates of pupils needing tuition due to anxiety and mental health continues to be high. We need schools and the Education Authority to monitor how our schools are addressing mental health.
    1,016 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by rory doherty
  • Rishi Sunak: Stop the Slaughter in Gaza
    Israel’s genocidal assault on Rafah has begun and the scenes are horrific. There are currently 1.4 million Palestinians sheltering in Rafah, 600,000 are children - and still yet, Israeli airstrikes continue to bombard and slaughter innocent Palestinians. Peace talks have progressed, but Israel has only intensified its onslaught on innocent Palestinians. Our community won’t stand by while people die under bombardment in Rafah - it’s time to make sure the UK government know that this genocide is not in our name.
    604 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Roan Ellis-O'Neill
  • Lower the voting age to 16 years old in Northern Ireland!
    Young people across the UK and Ireland currently live in an electoral postcode lottery. 16 and 17 year olds in Scotland and Wales are allowed to vote in local and Parliamentary elections, while their peers in Northern Ireland cannot.  Scotland and Wales join a host of other nations across the world which have chosen to extend voting rights to their young citizens, including: • Austria • Brazil • Cuba • Ecuador • Parts of Germany • Greece • Malta • Nicaragua, and more! Young people living in Northern Ireland feel disenfranchised and unsupported by our political system. Lowering the voting age to 16 will give our young people a democratic voice, ensuring that their voices can be heard on the issues that matter to them.  Why now? Recent comments by Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer in support of votes at 16 have sparked some heated public debate on the issue. Many of the arguments put forward have been based on assumptions about young people's behaviour, maturity and competence. But we no longer need to rely on assumptions - we can look at the international evidence!  1. Young people are capable and engaged  - when faced with situations that require unhurried, deliberate consideration - 'cold cognition' - 16 year olds demonstrate judgement as mature as that of adults. In the weeks and months before an election, young people have time to use their cold cognition skills, gathering evidence and talking to their friends, family and peers before making an informed decision. 2.  Many young people are political activists and campaigners - globally and locally, 16 and 17 year olds have campaigned for climate action, better mental health services, RSE and much more. 3. Young people have minds of their own - it's true that in most European countries, young people tend to support left-leaning parties in higher numbers than adults. But just like adults, young people hold a range of views and opinions from across the political spectrum (see trends in Austria, Germany and Scotland) 4. Younger voters are lifelong voters - at age 18, many young people are in a transitional phase of life - leaving school, starting uni or work, moving out of the family home or their hometown. They might not be familiar with local issues and candidates, or with voting registration systems and requirements. These conditions can dampen rates of voter turnout. But at the ages of 16 and 17, young people are more likely to in environments with strong socialisation influences, like the family home and school. Evidence from Scotland shows that when they are given the right to vote, 16 and 17 year olds turn out in greater numbers than those aged 18 - 24! 5. Respect for fairness and equality - young people aren't just citizens of the future - they're full and equal citizens now! At the age of 16, young people in NI can work, pay taxes, provide care for loved ones, get married and serve in the Armed Forces. They're an active and valuable part of society - why shouldn't they have a say in how things are governed? The importance of education When 16 and 17 year olds are granted the right to vote in Northern Ireland, it is vital that this is accompanied by plans to develop high-quality civic education. Deliberative political literacy education can help to mitigate inequalities in political knowledge, confidence and participation from the earliest possible stages. Schools and youth organisations have a crucial role to play in empowering, supporting and encouraging young people to engage meaningfully with politics.  Credit for Image: Bulat Silvia
    1,003 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Emily Crudden McIlhatton
  • Save NHS Dentistry in Northern Ireland
    Getting an appointment is going to get a whole lot worse. Recently, the EU has banned amalgam fillings from January next year, and because of post-Brexit arrangements, that means a ban in Northern Ireland too. Amalgam fillings are a huge part of the work dentists do on the NHS here, particularly those in the poorest areas. The costs of using other materials are eye-watering, and that means only one thing. NHS dentistry in Northern Ireland will be a thing of the past. People in Northern Ireland have the worst oral health inequality in the UK and the highest proportion of filled teeth. If these amalgam fillings can’t be provided on the NHS, it will mean people in agony, going without treatment - and it’ll be the poorest who suffer most. But there is a way to change this. The ‘Stormont Brake’ gives the Assembly the power to stop EU laws like this one, that would have a detrimental impact on people here. We demand that Minister Robin Swann starts the process to make sure that dentists can continue to provide NHS dental services throughout NI.
    792 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Roan Ellis-O'Neill
  • CitiBank: Stop fuelling War on Gaza
    Citibank is one of the dirtiest banks in the world. Israel is one of its most important markets. Citibank has facilitated the purchase of weapons by the Israeli military and we are seeing the devastating results of this. Already the second largest funder of fossil fuels in the world, it is giving more money to fossil fuel companies such as BP who are exploiting the war on Gaza to drill for gas off Gaza's coast. Over 25,000 people have been killed over 100 days of Israel's onslaught in Gaza. Hundreds of thousands are at risk of disease and starvation as Israel refuses to allow aid to enter. Despite this mass suffering, Israel is planning to extract the natural resources off the coast of Gaza through licensing, drilling and extraction. This is all underpinned by funding from Citibank. We know that only outside pressure can stop Israel. Citibank has its main European offices in Belfast and Dublin, and has received over £40 million in public money from Invest NI. We need to take a strong stand across this island against Citi profiting from Israel's brutal attack on the people of Palestine.
    882 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Roan Ellis-O'Neill
  • Caoimhe Archibald: Scrap Rates Exemption for Big Student Landlords
    More and more private student accommodation is going up in Belfast and one thing’s for sure, landlords are making an absolute killing. One recently built student accommodation at Bradbury Place will cost students up to £17,850 per year - that’s over £1450 per month! But did you know that student accommodation blocks are exempt from paying rates in NI because of a law introduced in the 1970s? The total value of the exemption from 2023-2024 cost the taxpayer a whopping £2,036,403 - and it is only set to increase as more student accommodation blocks are built. Minister Archibald needs to stop lining the pockets of Big Landlords and use that money to meet the needs of our public services. We call on the Minister to scrap the rates exemption today!
    641 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Roan Ellis-O'Neill
  • No more rip off school uniforms
    Many parents and families in Northern Ireland are coming under unbearable financial pressure due to the arbitrary and expensive school uniform requirements. In addition to a school uniform, many schools also insist on bespoke, branded sportswear for PE lessons, particular emblems, or have contracts for branded items with specific uniform suppliers. This can't go on - the Department can act to alleviate this financial pressure, and must do so now.
    607 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne